Benjamin Dad Wins Top Soccer Award

David Craven, father of ninth-grade Benjamin student Bella Craven, was named FYSA’s 2016 Top Soccer Coach of the Year!

Craven has been coaching with the Palm Beach Gardens Predators for seven seasons, and coaching soccer for 20 years.

The Predators run a program called TOPS, which is open and free to young athletes with both physical and mental disabilities.

We have over 120 ‘buddies,’ who help with our fantastic players. Many of them are from Benjamin. The Benjamin students are able to help some amazing children play soccer while receiving some well earned community service hours,” says Craven.

The program, with the help of Craven, brought Olympian Abby Wombach to Benjamin earlier in the year for a fundraiser.

“The Upper School was incredibly generous by giving us the entire soccer field, gym and facilities for the fundraiser,” says Craven.

Head of the Upper School Fletcher Carr and his daughter were both in attendance. The event raised $10,000 for the TOPS program.
A premier PK3 - Grade 12 independent, coeducational day school with campuses in North Palm Beach and Palm Beach Gardens. Since 1960, The Benjamin School has provided a challenging college preparatory education to a diverse student body in a structured, nurturing community environment.
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Leslie Downs/Chief Operating Officer
Ph:  561.657.0075 or 561.747.0585