Benjamin Students 'Go For Goldberg' During Cancer Walk

Benjamin students joined a vibrant community of pancreatic cancer survivors, families, loved ones, researchers and advocates the morning of November 19 during the annual PurpleStride walk at Florida Atlantic University.

Brande Hoffman, whose children Iris (4), Maddox (5) and James (8) attend Benjamin, coordinated a team of students to walk in honor of Head of School Bob Goldberg, who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer earlier this year.

"In 2015, Natalie Marx, Lori Roth, Jessica Walsh and I started a Girl Scout troop for Benjamin students.  We wanted to give the girls an opportunity to come together, work together, share together, have fun together, and give back together . . . as girls.  Together our girls have done some of the traditional Girl Scout activities such as camping and selling cookies but they have also logged more than 650 community service hours.  Presently they are working on a huge project that they came up with and designed.  They call themselves the “CARE CREW” and are creating a Pop-Up thrift shop.  The girls are working with local outreach programs and will soon start collecting toiletries, board games, socks and underwear, school supplies, and books to distribute to children who are homeless in Palm Beach County," says Hoffman. 

Hoffman's father was diagnose with pancreatic cancer in 2015 as the team was set to host their first meeting. Exactly three weeks later he passed away.

"My sweet friends got our troop up and running while I was with my family 
and then set up a team and encouraged the girls to participate in the 2015 PurpleStride event.  It was incredibly difficult for me to attend and seeing all of the Wage Hope signs around was maddening because I didn’t feel any hope, I was just devastated . . . This year, with Mr. Goldberg on our minds and in our hearts, we came together yet again.  This year, while we ran as Girl Scouts, friends, family, and as part of the Benjamin School community to WAGE HOPE for Mr. Goldberg, I felt hope.  It is amazing the differences we can make little by little, leaning on and supported by our friends and community," says Hoffman.

The powerful and inspiring day raised over $124,000 for pancreatic cancer research. Benjamin’s team "Go For Goldberg" was among the top ten fundraisers for the entire event!

Benjamin students who participated in the walk were:
Sophie and Isabella Marx
Iris and Maddox Hoffman
Hanna and Lauren Soffan
Brianna Cousin
Vanessa Zito
Sienna Barboni
Leah Klein
Emily Simon
Claire, Bridget and Ella McDermott
Dylan, Cassidy and Mackenzie Walsh
Ava Johnson
Alexandra and Anthony Pace
A premier PK3 - Grade 12 independent, coeducational day school with campuses in North Palm Beach and Palm Beach Gardens. Since 1960, The Benjamin School has provided a challenging college preparatory education to a diverse student body in a structured, nurturing community environment.
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Leslie Downs/Chief Operating Officer
Ph:  561.657.0075 or 561.747.0585