TBS Brand

Our Colors

Color is an important tool for creating consistency among communications materials. Primary and secondary palettes have been selected for use in all applications. The consistent use of these colors will infuse our communications materials with a stronger sense of brand identity.

Primary Color Palette

The Benjamin School Blue
PMS 294

CMYK 100/68/7/28

RGB 0/52/120

HTML #003478

The Benjamin School Orange
PMS 165

CMYK 0/68/98/0

RGB 255/99/25

HTML #ff6319

Secondary Color Palette

PMS 1235

CMYK 0/30/95/0

RGB 255/182/18

HTML #ffb612

PMS 3135

CMYK 100/1/20/3

RGB 0/148/179

HTML #0094B3

Warm Gray
PMS Warm Gray 5

CMYK 11/13/14/26

RGB 174/167/159

HTML #aea79f

A premier PK3 - Grade 12 independent, coeducational day school with campuses in North Palm Beach and Palm Beach Gardens. Since 1960, The Benjamin School has provided a challenging college preparatory education to a diverse student body in a structured, nurturing community environment.
After hours emergency contact:
Leslie Downs/Chief Operating Officer
Ph:  561.657.0075 or 561.747.0585